TANDEM to be presented at Keystone Symposium in Denver, Colorado (02/28/2016 – 03/03/2016)

February 19, 2016

Prof. Hazel Dockrell, TANDEM coordinator, will present the TANDEM project at  the Keystone Symposium on Tuberculosis 2016. Her presentation “Tuberculosis and Diabetes: Learning in TANDEM” will introduce the audience to the project and its recent achievements.

The conference will also include various other talks on the coherence of TB and diabetes mellitus. Thus, the Keystone Symposium will offer an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest scientific findings on the topic.

Find the website of the Keystone Symposia here: http://www.keystonesymposia.org/index.cfm?e=web.Meeting.Program&meetingid=1411

Flyer: http://www.keystonesymposia.org/index.cfm?e=Web.Meeting.Flyer&MeetingID=1411