Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre is an integrated academic clinical centre, teaching hospital and research centre. The research capacity on infectious diseases within RUNMC is bundled in the Nijmegen Institute for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (N4i), consisting of more than 25 research groups all working in the field of infection and inflammation. One of the main foci of research within the institute is that done on infection with M. tuberculosis, with interdisciplinary research activities performed in basic sciences and clinical research.

Reinout van Crevel, internist-infectious disease specialist, has > 10 years of experience in clinical-operational and laboratory research projects focusing on tuberculosis and HIV, especially in Indonesia. He has an extensive publication record, incl. epidemiological, clinical, pharmacokinetic, immunological and genetic studies related to the combination of tuberculosis and diabetes. He spent 3 years in Indonesia as co-PI for a EU-funded multidisciplinary program on HIV, and has been elected as Clinical Investigator by The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (2004), as ‘VIDI’ by the Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research (2009) and PI on numerous other research projects related to TB and DM.

Principal Investigator

Photo of Dr Reinout Van Crevel Dr Reinout Van Crevel
Internist, Infectious Diseases Specialist
Geert Grootteplein Zuid 8
Nijmegen, 6500 HB
Tel: +31243618819
Fax: +31243541734

Additional Team Members

Ekta Lachmandas
Tel: +31243618819
Fax: +31243541734
Role in the project:  Junior researcherinvolved in studies examining the causal link between diabetes and tuberculosis
Mihai Netea
Tel: +31243618819
Fax: +31243541734
Role in the project:  Supervision of laboratory studies examining the causal link between diabetes and tuberculosis
Rob Aarnoutse
Tel: +31243616405
Fax: +31243668755
Role in the project:  Supervision of pharmacokinetic studies

Institution legal name
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre

Institution short name

Geert Grooteplein Noord 9
Nijmegen 6525 EZ
